Pink Champagne Mariijuana Strain

 25,00 230,00

THC 17-21%CBD 0.01-1%

Effects: Happy, Euphoric, Giggly, Hungry, Energetic

Medical Benefits: Depression, Stress, Nausea, Pain, Lack of Appetite

Flavours: Woody, Earthy, Pungent


Pink Champagne Mariijuana Strain

Buy Pink Champagne Mariijuana Strain Online Europe. Pink Champagne is a indica strain which came from a cross of Granddaddy Purple and Cherry Pie. The buzz lands behind the eyes and emanates outwards, making this a suitable strain for patients suffering from migraines and physical discomfort. With notes of grape and berry, this strain imbues smokers with weighted eyes and a “couch lock” effect, making it a pre-sleep ripper useful for insomnia.

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3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g


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