Tesla Hash

 15,00 350,00


Tesla Hash

Buy Tesla Hash Online Europe. This Hash is a premium hash originating from Afghanistan, where the cultivation of hashish has become a cultural norm and time-honoured tradition. The finest quality hash comes from the Northern provinces of Afghanistan, in the harsh mountainous regions.

Although the devastating nature of the uninhabitable mountain regions may seem almost un-survivable, they are home to many indica landrace strains. These special cannabis strains develop many traits that allow them to survive the harshness of Afghanistan’s mountains, such as increased trichome production, making these specific strains very coveted for hash production.

It is one of the many regional variants of hash available, differentiating itself from the others with its’ impressive THC concentration that ranges around 40-50%, providing users with a powerful buzz that is both euphoric and relaxing. Tesla Hash is imbued with the earthy, spicy and pine-like notes of the indica landrace strains Afghanistan has to offer. The smoke is smooth, mild and reminiscent of old-school hash with its’ relaxing body high and sedating nature.

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1g, 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g


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